Fusion Indian American Wedding – Westin Memorial City, Houston TX

Casey and Hiren take the stage at the Westin Memorial for a weekend filled with love, laughter and ladoos! From the intimate mehndi night to the roaring dance floor, our team had a blast photographing this joyous couple and their family. There definitely was no shortage of attention grabbing smiles, diverse cultures and ground-breaking dance moves this weekend! Here’s a sneak peek into our fusion Indian wedding of the summer!


Funny wedding greeting by the groom
Good Morning greetings by the groom and his trusty sidekick Unicorn


Bride puts on shoes before ceremony
The shoe fits!


bangals with couples' names on them
Couples’ bangals


bride solo portrait
Fusion Indian American bride-to-be


Groom getting ready
Fusion Indian American groom-to-be


Bride father getting ready with the help of a groomsmen
A helping hand goes a long way!


Traditional coconut used during wedding ceremony
Backed by tradition.


Venue for the Indian ceremony
Fusion Indian American wedding venues.


Groom adorns bride with ceremony bands
The chapter of love!


The bride offers gifts during Indian ceremony
A blessing worth a thousand words.


Bride and groom throw offerings into the fire
Guided by the blessings of those around them!


Bride performs traditional wedding ceremony activity to groom
Fusion Indian American wedding traditions.


Fusion Indian American bride and groom walk around ceremony fire
Bound by the grace of tradition.


Bride and groom pose together in ceremony outfits
Fusion Indian American couple


Bride poses in wedding ceremony outfit
A smile that captures you!


Bride poses with ceremony outfit
The beauty of a bride!


Groom poses in ceremony outfit
A decked out groom!


Bride and groom family pose for family photo
Smiles across the board!


Bride and groom pose together in American ceremony outfits
Fusion Indian American couple share their infinite love


Fusion Indian American bride poses in American ceremony outfit
The beauty behind the veil!


Bride escorted by her father down the aisle
…as she is walked down the aisle


Bride and Groom at the alter of the American ceremony
And let the party begin!


Bride and groom walk down the aisle together
Walking towards a future of love and happiness!


Bride and groom pose after the American ceremony
A couple that smiles together stays together.


Bride poses with bouquet of flowers in American ceremony outfit
How grand!


Reception hall for fusion Indian American wedding
Reception vibes.


Floral designs at the reception
Floral designs make the world go ’round.


Wedding cake
Is it dessert time yet?


Bride and groom share their first dance at reception
Dancing under the stars.


Reception dancing
A night on the dance floor!


Bride and groom join their families for large family photo
What a night!


Here’s the amazing team that made all this happen:


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